CMM 2009-01 28

You are viewing a historical Obligation.
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until
Submission by any Member to the ED a list of any carrier vessels and bunker vessels it wishes to be included in the Register - to include information in para.6 and flag State of vessel. Any changes are to be notified to the Secretariat within 15 days.
Full Text
28. Any Member of the Commission may at any time submit to the Executive Director, in electronic format if possible, a list of any carrier vessels and bunker vessels that it wishes to be included on the Register. This List shall include the information described at paragraph 6 above as well as the flag State of the vessel.
Operational requirements for fishing vessels
Sub Theme
RFV reporting requirements
Category / CMR Section
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records