CMM 2014-04 03

You are viewing a historical Obligation. View Latest
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until
Superseded By
Total effort by vessels limited to 02-04 level N20N and catches of PBF <30kg size reduced to 50% off 02-04 level (overage deducted from following year)
Full Text
3. CCMs shall take measures necessary to ensure that:(1) Total fishing effort by their vessel fishing for Pacific bluefin tuna in the area north of the 20° N shall stay below the 2002–2004 annual average levels.(2) All catches of Pacific bluefin tuna less than 30 kg shall be reduced to 50% of the 2002–2004 annual average levels. Any overage of the catch limit shall be deducted from the catch limit for the following year.
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme
Pacific bluefin tuna catch and effort limits
Category / CMR Section
Quantitative Limits: CCM-level and Collective
No Evaluation Criteria Records
No CCM Limit Records
Category: Quantitative Limits: CCM-level and Collective
CMS Compliance History
When Evaluated:
2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
Average Score:
Likelihood of Non-Compliance:
Consequence of Risk Ratings
CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance