CMM 2017-01 29

You are viewing a historical Obligation.
Status: Historical
Effective From
Effective Until
2018 transfer of 100 vessel days from EEZ to high seas for United States and quarterly reporting against EEZ limit
Full Text
To alleviate the economic hardship of American Samoa particularly its canneries, and for the 2018 year only, the United States may transfer 100 vessel days from the effort limits established for its EEZ, and notified to the Commission, to its high seas effort limit set out in Attachment 1, Table 2. The United States shall notify the Secretariat quarterly of the utilisation of its EEZ limits. If by October 1 2018, the United States has reached its EEZ effort limit, its EEZ effort limit will be increased by 100 vessel days, with the expectation that the catch taken by United States flagged purse seine vessels and landed in American Samoa for the American Samoa canneries is no less than the volume landed in 2017 increased by 3,500 short tonnes. The United States shall endeavour to ensure that its purse seine vessels do not use any increased high seas effort in the high seas west of 180 degrees. The United States shall provide information to WCPFC15 on the implementation of this paragraph. Upon request this arrangement may be re-examined by the Commission at WCPFC15. This arrangement shall not constitute a precedent for the future. para 56. confirms the provisions set out in paragraphs 29 shall be applicable for 2018 only. Table 1 of Att 1 indicates that United States has established an EEZ effort limit of 558 days
Quantitative limits for tuna and billfish
Sub Theme
Purse seine fishery effort control
Category / CMR Section
Quantitative Limits: CCM-level and Collective
No Evaluation Criteria Records
No CCM Limit Records
Category: Report
CMS Compliance History
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CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance
European Union
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