CMM 2018-04 05a

Status: Active
Effective From
Sea Turtle mitigation requirements for purse seine vessels
Full Text

5. CCMs with purse seine vessels that fish for species covered by the Convention shall:

a. Ensure that operators of such vessels, while fishing in the Convention Area:

i. To the extent practicable, avoid encirclement of sea turtles, and if a sea turtle is encircled or entangled, take practicable measures to safely release the turtle.
ii. To the extent practicable, release all sea turtles observed entangled in fish aggregating devices (FADs) or other fishing gear.
iii. If a sea turtle is entangled in the net, stop net roll as soon as the turtle comes out of the water; disentangle the turtle without injuring it before resuming the net roll; and to the extent practicable, assist the recovery of the turtle before returning it to the water.
iv. Carry and employ dip nets, when appropriate, to handle turtles.
b. Require that operators of such vessels record all incidents involving sea turtles during fishing operations and report such incidents to the appropriate authorities of the CCM.

[c. Provide the results of the reporting under paragraph 5(b) to the Commission in their annual reporting of Scientific Data to be Provided to the Commission.]

Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme
Sea turtle mitigation
Category / CMR Section
Implementation (Evaluation Criteria Not Required)
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
Category: Implementation
CMS Compliance History
When Evaluated:
Average Score:
Likelihood of Non-Compliance:
Consequence of Risk Ratings
CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance
European Union
Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)