CMM 2018-04 07 (a, b)

Status: Active
Included in ARPt2
Effective From
Applicability Definition
Applies to Flag CCMs with longline vessels on the WCPFC RFV
Sea Turtle mitigation requirements for shallow-set longline vessels
Full Text

7. CCMs with longline vessels that fish in a shallow-set manner*  shall:

a. Ensure that the operators of such vessels, while in the Convention Area, are required to employ or implement at least one of the following three methods to mitigate the capture of sea turtles:
i. Use only large circle hooks, which are fishing hooks that are generally circular or oval in shape and originally designed and manufactured so that the point is turned perpendicularly back to the shank. These hooks shall have an offset not to exceed 10 degrees.
ii. Use only finfish for bait.
iii. Use any other measure, mitigation plan** or activity that has been reviewed by the Scientific Committee (SC) and the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) and approved by the Commission to be capable of reducing the interaction rate (observed numbers per hooks fished) of turtles in shallow-set longline fisheries.
b. The requirements of paragraph 7(a) need not be applied to those shallow-set longline fisheries determined by the SC, based on information provided by the relevant CCM, to have minimal*** observed interaction rates of sea turtles over a three-year period and a level of observer coverage of at least 10% during each of those three years.

* footnote 1: “Shallow-set” fisheries are generally to be considered those in which the majority of hooks fish at depth shallower than 100 meters; however pursuant to paragraph 7(c) CCMs are to establish and enforce their own operational definitions.

** footnote 2: A mitigation plan details the actions that will be taken to achieve specified reductions in sea turtle interactions.

*** footnote 3: As determined by SC5.

Mitigating impacts of fishing on species of special interest
Sub Theme
Sea turtle mitigation
Category / CMR Section
Category: Implementation
Version Introduced Date:
Audit Point Definition
CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that:
a. confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires operators of CCM flagged LL vessels to employ at least one of the three mitigation methods listed in paragraph 7a of the CMM
b. describes how CCM is monitoring its flagged LL vessels to ensure that at least one of the mitigation measures in paragraph 7a of the CMM is being employed, and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement are handled.
c. if the Secretariat confirms that paragraph 7a requirements do not apply because SC has accepted in accordance with paragraph 7b that the CCMs shallow-set longline fishery/ies has minimal observed interaction rates of sea turtles

The Secretariat confirms that CCM provided information in AR Pt 2 of any CCM vessel interactions with sea turtles in fisheries managed under the Convention and confirmation that CCM vessels are required to record all incidents involving sea turtles during fishing operations.
Criteria Revision History
Version Introduced Date:
Audit Point Definition
CCM submitted a statement in AR Pt2 that:
a.    confirms CCM’s implementation through adoption of a national binding measure that requires operators of CCM flagged LL vessels to employ at least one of the three mitigation methods listed in paragraph 7a of the CMM
b.    describes how CCM is monitoring its flagged LL vessels to ensure that at least one of the mitigation measures in paragraph 7a of the CMM is being employed, and how potential infringements or instances of non-compliance with this requirement are handled.

and the Secretariat confirms that CCM provided information in AR Pt 2 of any CCM vessel interactions with sea turtles in fisheries managed under the Convention and confirmation that CCM vessels are required to record all incidents involving sea turtles during fishing operations.
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
Category: Implementation
CMS Compliance History
When Evaluated:
2022, 2021, 2020
Average Score:
Likelihood of Non-Compliance:
Consequence of Risk Ratings
CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance
European Union
Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)