CMM 2022-06 - Conservation and Management Measure on Daily Catch and Effort Reporting

Status: Active
Effective From

Related Obligations

Obligation Description Effective Category Audit Point Adopted Audit Point Definition ARPt2 Inclusion CMR Inclusion Average Score (%) When Evaluated
CMM 2022-06 01
Requirement to ensure the master of each vessel completes an accurate electronic log of every day that it spends at sea on the high seas of the Convention Area as specified (effective for most vessels as of 1 Jan 2024)
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Catch and effort reporting requirements
01 Jan 2024 - Current RP No No No
CMM 2022-06 01
Requirement to ensure the master of each vessel completes an accurate electronic log of every day that it spends at sea on the high seas of the Convention Area as specified (effective for most vessels as of 1 Jan 2024)
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Catch and effort reporting requirements
01 Jan 2024 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2022-06 02
Requirement that information recorded by the master of each vessel each day with fishing operations shall, at a minimum include the information as specified
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Catch and effort reporting requirements
01 Jan 2024 - Current RP No No No
CMM 2022-06 02
Requirement that information recorded by the master of each vessel each day with fishing operations shall, at a minimum include the information as specified
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Catch and effort reporting requirements
01 Jan 2024 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2022-06 03
Requirement that the master of each vessel fishing in the Convention Area provides an required information to its national authority within 15 days of the end of a trip or transshipment event
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Catch and effort reporting requirements
01 Jan 2024 - Current IM No No No
CMM 2022-06 04
Requirement to provide operational catch and effort data recorded by the master of each vessel each day with fishing operations to the Commission, and where possible in accordance with the agreed SSPs
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
01 Jan 2024 - Current DL No No No
CMM 2022-06 04
Requirement to provide operational catch and effort data recorded by the master of each vessel each day with fishing operations to the Commission, and where possible in accordance with the agreed SSPs
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Annual fishing activity reporting
01 Jan 2024 - Current RP No No No
CMM 2022-06 05
Requirement that the master of each vessel fishing in the Convention Area provides an accurate and unaltered original or copy of the required information pertaining to the current trip on board the vessel at all times during the course of a trip
Activity related requirement
Sub Theme:
Catch and effort reporting requirements
01 Jan 2024 - Current IM No No No