FAD Set Management
13. A one and a half (1 1/2) months (July to mid-August) prohibition of deploying, servicing or setting on FADs shall be in place between 0001 hours UTC on 1 July and 2359 hours UTC on 15 August each year for all purse seine vessels, tender vessels, and any other vessels operating in support of purse seine vessels fishing in exclusive economic zones and the high seas in the area between 20N and 20S.
footnote 1: Members of the PNA may implement the FAD set management measures consistent with the Third Arrangement Implementing the Nauru Agreement of May 2008. Members of the PNA shall provide notification to the Commission of the domestic vessels to which the FAD closure will not apply. That notification shall be provided within 15 days of the arrangement being approved. The Secretariat shall provide each year to the Scientific Services Provider and TCC the list of fishing vessels that have not applied the FAD closure in the previous year, as well as, their respective numbers of FADs sets during the FADs closure.