French Polynesia and Republic of Korea have notified the Secretariat in response to footnote 2 that they do not have established purse seine fisheries taking skipjack, yellowfin or bigeye tuna in their EEZs, so the provisions of this paragraph do not apply.
Zone-based purse seine effort control
24. Coastal CCMs within the Convention Area shall restrict purse seine effort and/or catch of skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye tuna within their EEZs in accordance with the effort limits established and notified to the Commission and set out in Table 1 of Attachment 1. Those coastal CCMs that have yet to notify limits to the Commission shall do so by 29 February 2024.
Footnote 2: The provision of this paragraph do not apply to those CCMs who do not have established purse seine fisheries taking skipjack, yellowfin or bigeye tuna within their EEZs and have notified the Secretariat accordingly.
28. Where the catch and effort limits in paragraphs 24 and 25 have been exceeded, any overage of the annual limits by a CCM or the collective annual limits of a group of CCMs shall be deducted from the limits for the following year for that CCM or group of CCMs.
29. Notwithstanding paragraphs 24, 25 (High Seas Purse Seine Effort Limits) and 48 (Other Commercial Fisheries), in each of the years 2024-2026, if any of the baseline fishing conditions specified in 1.b) of the Harvest Control Rules of the Skipjack Tuna Management Procedure are exceeded are exceeded, the CMM will be amended to make sure they are maintained.