6. Each member of the Commission shall submit, electronically where possible, to the Executive Director the following information with respect to each vessel entered in its record:
(s) International Maritime Organization (IMO) number or Lloyd’s Register (LR) number, if issued. **
** footnote 4: Effective 1 January 2016, flag CCMs shall ensure that all their fishing vessels that are authorized to be used for fishing in the Convention Area beyond the flag CCM’s area of national jurisdiction and that are at least 100 GT or 100 GRT in size have IMO or LR numbers issued to them. Effective 1 April 2020, flag CCMs shall ensure that all their motorized inboard fishing vessels of less than 100 GRT (or 100 GRT) down to a size of 12 meters in length overall (LOA), authorized to be used for fishing in the Convention Area beyond the flag CCM’s area of national jurisdiction have an IMO or LR issued.