1. CCMs shall prohibit their fishing vessels from fishing within one nautical mile of or interacting with a data buoy in the high seas of the Convention Area, which includes, but is not limited to, encircling the buoy with fishing gear; tying up to or attaching the vessel, or any fishing gear, part or portion of the vessel, to a data buoy or its mooring; or cutting a data buoy anchor line.
2. For the purposes of this measure, data buoys are defined as floating devices, either drifting or anchored, that are deployed by governmental or recognized scientific organizations or entities for the purpose of electronically collecting and measuring environmental data, and not
for the purpose of fishing activities.
6. Fishing activities inconsistent with paragraphs 1 and 2 above shall be deemed fishing activities that undermine the WCPF Convention and WCPFC conservation and management
measures and shall constitute a serious violation in accordance with Article 25 of the Convention.
7. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, scientific research programs notified to and authorized by the Commission may operate fishing vessels within one nautical mile of a data buoy so long as they do not interact with those data buoys as described in paragraph 1.