2. Methods to ensure ALCs comply with WCPFC standards
8. The Secretariat will administer a Commission VMS database. For each fishing vessel required to report to the Commission VMS the flag CCM will submit all necessary data to complete its data file in the Commission’s VMS database. This data will include the name of the vessel, unique vessel identification number (UVI)1, radio call sign, length, gross registered tonnage, power of engine expressed in kilowatts/horsepower, types of fishing gear(s) used as well well as the make, model, unique network identifier (user ID) and equipment identifier (manufacturer’s serial number) of the ALC that vessel will be using to fulfil its Commission VMS reporting requirements.
WCPFC10 agreed to exempt vessels on Good Standing on the FFA Vessel Register from submission of VTAF data.
Template for reporting implementation in AR Pt2 (Annex 2 of CMM 2014-02 adopted in Dec 2021)
footnote 5: Monitoring CCMs’ compliance with this requirement can now be automated via the VRST if 1) CCMs monitor and update their vessel’s status (e.g., “In Port”, “Out of Convention Area”, “Manual Reporting”, “new VTAF data submitted to Secretariat”, etc.) using the interactive utility in the VRST at least every 31 days, and 2) the Secretariat updates all vessels’ VTAF submission status on a daily basis as outlined in the draft revised VMS SOPs.