1. Notwithstanding other special requirements of SIDS and territories not identified herein, CCMs shall fully recognise the special requirements of SIDS and territories in the Convention Area in the implementation of the Convention this measure and other measures.
2. CCMs shall develop, interpret and apply conservation and management measures in the context of and in a manner consistent with the 1982 Convention and Articles 24, 25 and 26 of the Agreement. To this end, CCMs shall cooperate, either directly or through the Commission, to enhance the ability of developing States, particularly the least developed among them and SIDS and territories in the Convention Area, to develop their own domestic fisheries for highly migratory fish stocks, including but not limited to the high seas within the Convention Area.
3. The Commission shall ensure that any conservation and management measure does not result in transferring, directly or indirectly, a disproportionate burden of conservation action onto SIDS and territories.