Convention Article 22 (4)

Status: Active
Effective From
Cooperation with IATTC, including implementation of the WCPFC9 decision (para 80 of WCPFC9 Summary Report)
Full Text

The Commission shall cooperate with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to ensure that the objective set out in article 2 of this Convention is reached. To that end, the Commission shall initiate consultation with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission with a view to reaching agreement on a consistent set of conservation and management measures, including measures relating to monitoring, control and surveillance, for fish stocks that occur in the Convention Areas of both organizations.

To this end the Commission did agree at WCPFC9 to a short-term arrangement for the management of the overlap area with IATTC:

i. Vessels listed exclusively in the WCPFC record of Fishing Vessels shall apply the conservation and management measures of the WCPFC when fishing in the overlap area;
ii. Vessels listed exclusively in the IATTC register shall apply the conservation and management measures of the IATTC when fishing in the overlap area;
iii. In the case of vessels listed in the record/register of both organizations, the corresponding flag Member shall decide and notify to both Commissions under which of the two commissions those vessels shall operate when fishing in the overlap area, as regards the application, for a period of not less than three years, of the conservation and management measures of that Commission.

iv. In the case of vessels listed in the record/register of both organizations, the vessels of a Cooperating Non-Member shall apply the conservation and management measures of the Commission of which it is a member, when fishing in the overlap area.

Overarching requirements
Sub Theme
Annual report on implementation
No Evaluation Criteria Records
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
No Risk (RBAF) Records
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