Data RaP MCS 44

Status: Active
Included in ARPt2
Effective From
Applicability Definition
Applies to CCMs who requested non-public domain data in accord with MCS Data Rules and Procedures
Statement of compliance with WCPFC Data Access, Protection and Dissemination Rules and Procedures (Data RaP)
Full Text

44. Members of the Commission shall include in their Part 2 Annual Report to the Commission information on the domestic measures that they have taken to ensure the confidentiality of the data and information received pursuant to these Rules and Procedures. Members of the Commission shall provide in their Part 2 Annual Report to the Commission a statement affirming that they have complied with the data retention and destruction requirements of Section V of these Rules and Procedures. In addition, Members of the Commission shall include a summary report of the status of any investigation, judicial or administrative proceedings in Part 2 of its Annual Report to the Commission at the next session of the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) until the conclusion of the investigation, judicial or administrative proceedings.

Overarching requirements
Sub Theme
Annual report on implementation
Category / CMR Section
Report Deadline
Category: Report
Version Introduced Date:
Audit Point Definition
Where a CCM has requested data, the following information has been reported in respect of the information:

Secretariat confirms that the CCM has reported information in its ARPt2 on:
a.    CCM’s domestic measures taken to ensure the confidentiality of any data and information received pursuant to the MCS Data Rules and Procedures
b.    a statement affirming that they have complied with the data retention and destruction requirements of Section V of these Rules and Procedures
c.    a summary report of the status of any investigation, judicial or administrative proceedings

Where applicable, the Secretariat confirms that the CCM has checked and liaised with the Secretariat on any CCM issues in the Secretariat-published Administration of Data Rules and Procedures website summary at
CCM limits not applicable for this obligation
Category: Report Deadline
CMS Compliance History
When Evaluated:
Average Score:
Likelihood of Non-Compliance:
Consequence of Risk Ratings
CCM or collective group Consequence of Non-Compliance Risk of Non-Compliance